Back at our site and this time we will review about Batman: The Brave and the Bold Season 2 Episode 37 Powerless!, air date: July 29,2011 7:00 PM on Cartoon Network. This story is quoted from sidereel. Batman isn't going at it alone this time! From Warner Bros.
Animation comes the latest interpretation of the classic Batman franchise. Our caped crusader is teamed up with heroes from across the DC Universe, delivering nonstop action and adventure with a touch of comic relief. Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Aquaman and countless others will get a chance to uphold justice alongside Batman. Though still based in Gotham, Batman will frequently find himself outside city limits, facing situations that are both unfamiliar and exhilarating. With formidable foes around every corner, Batman will still rely on his stealth, resourcefulness and limitless supply of cool gadgets to bring justice home.
Previous Story: Following a fight with Catman, Batman, the Justice League International, and Rip Hunter travel to the past to stop the minions of Equinox from wiping out all the incarnations of Batman throughout time.
Two years ago, Batman and the second Atom (Ray Palmer) worked together to save themselves from villains like Cannoneer and Thinker. Ray later retired and Ryan Choi takes up the mantle. Two years later, Palmer's arch-nemesis Chronos plans an attack and Batman goes looking for him. When Batman disappears, Aquaman and Atom (Ryan Choi) must shrink to a microscopic size in the Amazon Jungle to save the Caped Crusader and Ray Palmer from tiny aliens.
Batman teams up with Superman and Wonder Woman when their arch-enemies The Joker, Lex Luthor and Cheetah team up to defeat them by adopting a strategy of attacking a different hero: "Wonder Woman" vs "Joker", "Superman" vs "Cheetah", and "Batman" vs "Luthor". When Green Arrow, Aquaman and Plastic Man are captured by Mr. Freeze, they reminisce about the early days of their careers when they first worked with Batman against the Cavalier, Black Manta, Baby-Face and his crew, and Ruby Ryder.
For more complete now story Batman: The Brave and the Bold Season 2 Episode 37 - Powerless!, you can watch it directly on the Cartoon Network at 7:00 PM.